Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pumpkin Patch, a broken toe? and some Fall Festival MADNESS

I have decided that the most efficient, least stressful approach to blogging is just going to be me updating every couple of weeks with a "what's happening around here" kind of thing. So, here is my latest installment of "What's happening around here."

I gladly volunteered to go along with Logan's kindergarten class at the beginning of October to the Pumpkin Patch in Clanton. After all, it was Logan's first field trip EVER and I woudln't have missed this for anything! We had a lot of fun! Here are a few pictures to document the day.

I was responsible for these two silly boys! Logan and his buddy, "Casper." Yes, that is his nickname.
Mrs. Hughey's first kindergarten class, 2011-2011
Logan on the horse or pony, or whatever the correct term is for this animal. ;)

Logan and his buddy, Ethan.

Me and Logan

So, I've never had a broken toe before...or a broken anything, for that matter. But when I kicked the bocephus out of my ottoman a few weeks ago, I thought I was going to look down and find it dangling by a tendon. It hurt like no other but now I'm not really sure I even broke it. It swelled up and turned several shades of purple, blue then yellow....and it actually still hurts when I hit it JUST right today. But Alan says he can't even tell I did anything to it....what do you think? {Please excuse my knarly, need-a-pedicure, feet.}

The Friday before Halloween, Logan's school had a Fall Festival. The kindergarten classes were in charge of creating a "box maze" for the event, so me, along with a few other parents, were at the school that morning cutting and taping together boxes for the maze. I'm gonna say it was quite possibly THE BEST box maze that school has ever had. ;-) After we finished the maze, we headed to our kids' classes and ate a sack lunch with them. I decided to take a few pictures of Logan and his classmates in their Halloween costumes. Here are some shots of these cuties in their get-ups! :-) I always enjoy time I spend with Logan at school.

Logan's friends Casper, Michael and Moses (spiderman #2) :)

Logan shares a table in class with 3 of these 4 friends: Mackenzie, Casper & Moses.

Naturally, Logan has a couple of "girl. friends." in class. ;-) Addison and Colsyn.

And, finally a class-shot...Yes, they are saying "Halloween!"

Making a change this Christmas

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." ~ James 1:27
I began making my Christmas list, i.e. who all we plan on buying for, a couple of weeks ago. The same list, same people, but this year I've decided to change how I shop. This year, I have decided that the people on our list will be getting presents that make a difference. These gifts will come from adoptive families selling products, organizations selling products with proceeds going to help widows, needy mothers or orphans in developing countries. My friend, Anna Dreyfus, posted 3 blog posts on her blog a couple of weeks ago hightlighting many ideas for gifts. (I kinda stole this idea from her!;) You can read her 3 blog posts here.

I have found several things on the sites on Anna's blog that are definitely going to some of our family members. But I have a few more sites I'd like for you to check out that are definitely worth sharing!

Heartline Ministries
in Haiti's ultimate goal is to empower women to take control of their lives emotionally, spiritually, and financially. They try to achieve this: 1) through their women's program where women learn to sew and make beads for jewelry and purses; and 2) through their maternity center where pre-natal and post-birth classes are taught weekly.
So, how can you support their ministry this year? By hosting a purse party, buying a purse (or 2 or 3!) or buying their jewelry. Find a link to their products here:

Krochet Kids....BUY A HAT!
This organization teaches women how to crochet so they can make a living for themselves. Have a hat lover in your family? Go buy them one of these beautiful crocheted hats!

Punjammies!!! ~
Okay, how many of you know someone on your list who LOVES pajamas?? I know I could buy every female on my list a pair of these and they would LOVE them!  Each PUNJAMMIE is created in an after-care facility for women who have been rescued, released, or escaped from a life of forced prostitution. These pajamas are SUPER cute!

Amazima Ministries - Uganda
This ministry was formed by Katie Davis,( "Kisses From Katie"). At age 18, Katie moved to Uganda, giving up her affluent lifestyle in Tennessee and now, at the age of 24, she is the mother to 13 beautiful girls who were once orphans in Uganda. You can read all about her ministry and what they do, here: http://www.amazima.org/  There is a ton of beautiful jewelry you can purchase to support her ministry. If you aren't completely touched and moved by her story and how God is working through her, you must be dead. :)

World Vision International Catalog
Who They Are
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
Who They Serve
Working in nearly 100 countries around the world, World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

YOU can search through their catalog to find a way to support what this organization does. There are animals, necessities, ways to just donate, and even SOME jewelry, purses and coffee items.
What a great gift to buy for your loved ones this year! Something unique that they will love but will also benefit someone who is in need. I am really excited about getting started on my Christmas shopping! Now, GO, buy something and make a difference in someone's life this Christmas!