Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting back in the game!

Today I decided it was time to get back into the blogging game. With Logan starting Kindergarten, it seemed only appropriate to jump back into blogging so I can keep you all informed of my mental state each day he's gone. ;-) Seriously, though, with so many changes coming so quickly in our lives, I feel like I have done my family an injustice by not keeping a journal or scrapbook of the big things (and a lot of the small) things going on. So, that being said, I am going to first recap our B.U.S.Y. summer and then move right into our new school year!

We had an extremely busy summer! We were gone so much this summer I felt like I needed to introduce myself to our close friends our first Sunday back at church after missing several in a row. Our busyness was voluntary, of course, and while we had a great time all summer, it will definitely make me rethink being that busy again next summer. Because I'm TIRED!

We made several trips to the beach this summer, some with kids, and some without. We had Vacation Bible School, a Bachelorette Party, and LONG road trip to Wisconsin! Here are a few pictures to recap our summer, and that will just have to do.

We spent some time at the lake this summer....

We went to see Zac Brown Band in concert with our friends, Nick and Kacy...

The boys spent a lot of time playing in the sprinkler to cool off, because this was a H-O-T summer!

We got a kitten, and then lost her....actually, I'm almost certain that pesky hawk that has been waking us up every morning at 6 a.m is the culprit... :( Sad day.

We spent some time in Florida playing on the beach...
Here are a few of my favorites of the boys this summer playing in the sand and ocean :)

 It was fun spending a couple of days in Rosemary Beach with the Diaz family!

Then we headed NORTH to Wisconsin to finish out our summer at an airshow in Osh Kosh...
......stopped in Louisville, KY on our way up and spent a few hours visiting our friend (and FAVORITE babysitter), Melanie (aka Mel-Mel; Miss Melanie)!! It was SO good to see her and spend some time seeing where she is going to school. Boyce College/SBTS have a beautiful campus.

Alan and the boys had a great time looking at all the planes. We took my dad with us and he was a good sport going with me to Green Bay one of the days so I could finally visit the Green Packers' stadium, Lambeau Field. It was a great experience!
We saw LOTS and LOTS (and LA-HOTS) of airplanes.

 Here's a picture of our entire group that went to Wisconsin. We felt very honored to be a part of what was probably the last camping trip the Mizzells will take together. :( On the way home we stopped in St. Louis and visited the famous Arch of St. Louis. It was interesting....I hate heights.

So that about sums up our summer. We came home and got Logan ready to start kindergarten! BIG DAY! My next post will be about Logan and Ford's first day of school!


  1. YAY!! I'm so glad you're back, too, and your blog looks FANTASTIC!! Enjoyed seeing some summer pics & look forward to some school ones. Love you & it was a joy seeing you at the party. :)
