Saturday, November 13, 2010

8th Annual Crawford Family Camping Trip

Every year, since right before Alan and I got married, we have taken a family camping trip with my side of the family. Normally we camp at Lake Guntersville State park but since Daddy had his heart attack just over 2 months ago, we thought it would be best to camp a little closer to home. Since we all love Tannehill it was an obvious choice.

So, that is why I haven't posted anything since Wednesday. We are "roughing it" it our 5th wheel camper with a potty and standup shower, air conditioner, heater and satellite tv. Oh yes. We really are living like the pioneers our here, let me tell you. ;)

Camping is something I have grown up doing and therefore I love it and always will. Alan camped some as a child with his grandparents and is just loves the outdoors anyway, so naturally we have passed on our love for camping to our boys. They are having a great time as they usually do playing with their cousin Ceilidh and riding bikes. Logan even made a new friend just 2 campers down from us and he is smitten! Her name is Caylee and she is cute as a button!

Unfortunately, my sister in law and my other niece Addie weren't able to make this trip. Addie has been sick with a virus all week. We have missed them tremendously and I personally have missed my "bath house buddy," Heather. ;) We always make a point to trek to the bath house to take out showers at the same so we don't have to go alone.
For those of you who don't camp, or think you're too prissy to camp, I'm going to give you all a run down of what all takes place on a typical camping trip. But I'll have to do that from home. I want to show pictures from the trip with my explanation and I can't do that here. My brother told me there had to be a blogger app for my iPhone so that is what I'm using for this post! I have to say, I don't know why I didn't think about it before now, but I LOVE it!!

So I guess that is all the ramblings I have for now. I will be back early next week to post pictures of our trip.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Tannehill State Park

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud when I read the pioneer line. I immediately heard Alan in my head saying "this is how the pioneers did it!" when the power was out and we cooked by candle (and iphone) light. Good times. I hope y'all are having a great time camping! I can't wait to see you - only one more week! :) Love you!
